Subscribe to the best damn comedy newsletter in existence.

(That we know of.)

“But Madame,” you ask continentally, “whyever for shall I subscribe to such a thing?”

Dude, like, what time period are you even in right now? But fair question. Here’s what you can expect:

  1. Cats. We promise a picture of a cat in every single email, guaranteed. 

  2. New episodes of The Friday Fenix! If you’ve ever missed an episode because you didn’t catch one of our social media posts and have walked around bereft, questioning the meaning of life for the next several days, here’s a great way to make sure that terrible fate never awaits you again!

  3. Other funny stuff! Like what? I dunno! GIFs! Memes! A sneak peek at the news stories we’re keeping an eye on! Merch! Jokes! Laughs! Stuff like that!

If all that sounds like a fiesta in your inbox, then give us your email address and we’ll give you fun!